Well, MGM may have pulled the plug on Stargate – or, if you prefer, placed it on indefinite hiatus – but it’s nice to see that interest in the franchise remains strong.  A recent google search turned up the following Stargate-related news items…

It was only a matter of time.  Apparently, China has started their own Stargate program:

At a cost of a mere $16 million dollars, 115 foot tall steel gate weighs in at 3 000 tons and includes 12 000 LED lights.

What amazing otherworldly entities will pass through its event horizon? No idea, but some Chinese net users have a few guesses:

What Will Come Out of the Mysterious Stargate in China?

Planning on proposing to a fellow Stargate fan?  Well, guarantee she’ll say yes by springing THIS on her:

The gate’s structure is 14k gold while the chevrons are 18k gold.  And, best of all, the inner ring actually spins!

Order it from WeddingBandDesign

Stargate SG-1’s “Camelot” makes i09’s list of – The 20 Best Cliffhangers Ever Shown on Science Fiction or Fantasy …

Colonel General President Jack O’Neill

Meanwhile, Colonel/General Jack O’Neill makes wired.com’s list of – Top 10 Fictional Characters We’d Like as US President

And for the cat who has everything, how about a Stargate-themed cat bed:

The puddle bottom is a nice touch.  Diy Stargate Cat Bed: Nine Lives, Infinite Planets

Over at blogcritics.org, Barbara Barnett is doing a Stargate: Universe rewatch.  Stargate Universe Revisited – “Light”

Which reminds me – I should pick up where I left off.  This week, I’ll resume my trip down Stargate memory lane with a look at Stargate: Atlantis’s fifth season.  See you there!

25 thoughts on “November 24, 2012: Stargate lives! Sort of.

  1. Very, very cool! I was given a piece of fan art a few years back Might have to try and post a picture link if I can figure out how.

    Have a great night!!

  2. I want that ring! Gawd, I’m such a nerd. Whatever, Mr. Deni MUST see this. 🙂 I have a REAL bat’leth, too, so why not the ring, right? 🙂

  3. Some very cool stuff. The ring is nice…and wow…over $2000. Oh my.
    See ya at SGA season 5.

  4. Hmmm. I hope they keep making these. I’ve only been married for 7 years, but I’ve been telling my husband I want a ring upgrade at 20 years. Maybe we can compromise on 15, skip buying me a ring with all the family birth stones, and get THIS instead.

    :: starts plotting ::

    And yes. Jack O’Neill 2016! 😀

    (And then we can get the Stargate back from China…)

  5. That Chinese stargate is cool – it’s surely big enough to get an Ori mothership through. Of course, they’re TELLING us that the whole thing is just a mere “16 million dollar” piece of decoration, but we know better.

    That wedding ring is almost enough to make me want to get married.

    O’Neill 2016! They won’t even have to change the “O” posters!

  6. Whew! Cat beds, good, they looked an awful lot like birthing tubs with the liner on at first glance. Now, THAT would be overboard, especially with the tandem arrangement.

  7. G’day Joe

    @Deni…a real bat’leth now that is very cool. Always wanted on of those.

    That ring is awesome. Actually spins…wow.

    Going home to see Mum and family on Wednesday (only chance for cheap flights). Funeral is Thursday.
    Thanks so very much for all thoughts, wishes and posts regarding my Dad. It is really very much appreciated.


  8. My hubby gave the green light for the wedding bands. It just so happens I lost my wedding band years ago. Hmm, I wish I could buy it but I’m expecting another tax bill on my M.I.L.’s estate. The hits keep coming. The probate that never ends! Argggggg.

    Still praying for you and your family Janet.

  9. Chinese Stargates? Wedding bands? Cat beds? Pfft. When they come up with a real live Rent-A-Wraith service, THEN I’ll be impressed. 😉


  10. Hey, Joe!

    When I first read the title of the today’s blog, I thought it said “Stargate live!” and thought maybe you were announcing a Stargate themed live show multi-city tour like SG-Ice Capades or something like that. Hey it’s a thought .. w/ RDA & Michael Shanks known for their hockey prowess they could do a SG themed ice capades easy!

    Definitely agree w/ Jack for US President ..just imagine how much more watchable the debates would have been with his off the cuff snarky comments. The wedding band is actually a great idea, shocked nobody ever thought of that until now. Why do I get the feeling that the cat beds were actually designed by David Hewlett??

  11. I do like that wedding band. I watched it longer than I should admit.

    I think what comes through that stargate should be based on the nearby view since that’s what the aliens will see through their MALPs or KINOs.

  12. Am I remembering right that an on-set stargate went out of round eventually? Did you guys figure out why?

    This big one, being steel, it’s entirely possible to design it so that won’t happen or they can at least have the foresight to make it adjustable. Or maybe no one will notice.

    No, I read a book…not before SG-1 came out, but before I was paying attention to it, that it was the U.S. that had a program called Stargate. It was very different, about how the author did remote viewing, out of body spying or research, for the government and now he’s telling all. Some of the stuff he “witnessed” appealed to my interest in science fiction — some missing links and the stresses that drove their development of cunning — a depressed husband on another planet with the sideways details we just love about AU stories.

    And now it all makes sense, you and your buddies were helping the government keep it a secret. No, seriously, the book was written in that tone, it would totally have made that “plausible deniability” claim if it were written a little later. Or maybe it did, I didn’t memorize it.

  13. With the Chinese you never know. This could just look like a very cool piece of art but…I wouldn’t be surprised if this was for intergalactic travel hidden in plain site!

  14. I would love Richard Dean Anderson as the President! He would be the best looking one ever!

  15. Loving the Wedding Bands!!! And … if Das gets a “Rent-A-Wraith” service, I want a Rent-A-Beckett service!!! 😉

  16. LOL I like the gate in China! They really SHOULD have it show things coming through it though! 🙂

    Yep, I want the ring, just not $2000plus worth.

  17. Want that ring. I have a better chance at winning Powerball, which then I could afford to buy said ring.

  18. Ola, sou do Brasil e sinto muita falta do Stargate principalmente o SG.U pela frustração de não ter um final. Ele voltará?

    Hello, I’m from Brazil and I miss Stargate SG.U mainly by frustration of not having an end. He will return?

  19. Hi there. So are you guys done with Stargate or could we possibly see a new series someday or a conclusion to previous shows especially SGU? I loved Universe and all Stargate shows. 🙁 next time go to s network that’ll let you’d guys take risks and won’t cancel you because of a few bad eggs 🙂

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